Models for categorical data
Introduction: the analysis of
Binary dependent variables
Binary regression
With this distribution for the error term, and
a suitable transformation for the dependent variable
the logit:
or ``log of the odds''
or the inverse of the cumulative normal distribution:
we have a form of regression for binary dependent variables
These two mappings translate
They are symmetric, and quite similar in effect
For extreme probabilities, a bigger change in f(P) is required for the same change in P as for probabilities around 0.5
Logit and probit regressions have the same form:
The logit transform gives us ``logistic regression''
This is favoured over probit in recent years, for its mathematical tractability
© Brendan Halpin
Department of Sociology
University of Limerick
Taught programme:
MA in Sociology (Applied Social Research)
Short course, May 14/15 2012:
Categorical Data Analysis for Social Scientists