The model underlying loglinear models is Poisson regression.
A Poisson distribution has
a variance equal to its mean, and
the expectation that the events being counted are independent.
If we are missing something important in the table, such as a
relevant variable (unobserved heterogeneity) or some form of
dependence (e.g., individuals contributing multiple events) the
variance of the counts may be greater than their mean. The effect
of this is that standard errors will be underestimated by the
normal assumptions.
One strategy is to scale the standard errors by
(making the confidence interval wider), or to divide
by .
Another approach is to use robust standard error estimates:
this is a general strategy available in some programs, for
instance Stata (lookup robust).
Examining parameter estimates and their standard errors is an
alternative way of deciding whether they contribute to the
model's fit: either a conventional z-test (
), or
a Wald test ( as a variable with ). ( stands for asymptotic standard error.)