SO5032: Lab Materials

Table of Contents

1. Week 12 Lab: Multinomial and Ordinal Regression

1.1. Multinomial logistic regression

Load this BHPS excerpt (same as last week):


Use multinomial logistic regression to model the effects of relevant covariates on qual as the dependent variable. Select the variables carefully: some do not make sense for predicting highest qualification.

1.2. Ordinal logistic regression

qual is an ordinal variable. In your mlogit analysis, did you observe patterns in the parameter estimates? Search for a good proportional odds ordinal logistic model with syntax such as the following:

ologit qual age

Compare the ordinal logistic results with the multinomial results you have already produced. Do they tell the same story?

1.3. Additional: Exam performance as ordinal

Using data on exam grades, consider the variable G4.

use, clear

Fit a set of binary logistic regressions, comparing Fail, C and B respectively with A. To do this, create a new variable which is 1 for Fail etc., 0 for A and missing otherwise. Use CAO1 (CAO points divided by 100) and MODSIZE as explanatory variables.

Then fit a mutltinomial logistic regression with G4 as the dependent variable, and the same explanatory variables. Compare your results with the binary regressions.

Finally, noting the ordinal pattern in the parameter estimates in both the binary and multinomial, fit an ordinal logistic regression. Compare your results with the preceeding.

With the results of the ordinal regression, calculate the odds ratio of being higher rather than lower, for a 100-point difference in raw CAO points (a 1-unit difference in CAO1). Do the same for a 100 difference in MODSIZE.

Author: Brendan Halpin

Created: 2024-04-24 Wed 11:31
