4.1.1 Step 1: Make a wide cross-wave file

Choose a variable (or several) that you are interested in that is in wINDRESP, in all nine waves. Make a cross-wave file in wide format, containing PID and the variable(s) of interest.

To do this use the following template - I take as examples the variables wJBSTAT (employment status) and wQFEDHI (highest educational qualification).

get file "s:\bhps\spss\aindresp.sav"/keep=pid, ajbstat, aqfedhi.
sort cases by pid.
save out = "c:\temp\tempa.sav".

get file "s:\bhps\spss\bindresp.sav"/keep=pid, bjbstat, bqfedhi.
sort cases by pid.
save out = "c:\temp\tempb.sav".

get file "s:\bhps\spss\cindresp.sav"/keep=pid, cjbstat, cqfedhi.
sort cases by pid.
save out = "c:\temp\tempc.sav".

and so on for all waves.

Then match together:

match files file = "c:\temp\tempa.sav" /in=w1
           /file = "c:\temp\tempb.sav" /in=w2
           /file = "c:\temp\tempc.sav" /in=w3
           /file = "c:\temp\tempd.sav" /in=w4
           /file = "c:\temp\tempe.sav" /in=w5
           /file = "c:\temp\tempf.sav" /in=w6
           /file = "c:\temp\tempg.sav" /in=w7
           /file = "c:\temp\temph.sav" /in=w8
           /file = "c:\temp\tempi.sav" /in=w9
           /file = "c:\temp\tempj.sav" /in=w10
           /file = "c:\temp\tempk.sav" /in=w11

When finished, save the output, taking care to put the variables in order (the /keep subcommand determines what variables you save and their order in the file):

save out = "m:\multi.sav"

(Save the temporary files to c:\temp\ but save the final file to m:\, which is your network drive to which you have access from any PC on campus. Temporary local files are better because they are quicker than using the network, and do not clutter up your own space.)

Examine this file and make sure you understand what you have done. Explore the pattern of wave on wave transitions, for instance:

missing values all (-9 thru -1).
cro ajbstat by bjbstat.
cro ajbstat by kjbstat.

© Brendan T. Halpin (e-mail), GNU Free Documentation Licence