logistic regression hied with esex ageg vote /cat=vote ageg /con(vote)=ind/con(ageg)=ind.HIED is the dependent variable, VOTE and AGEG are declared categorical, and simple dummy variable (indicator) contrasts are requested.
Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B) ESEX -.3597 .0520 47.8442 1 .0000 -.0660 .6979 AGEG 1203.612 6 .0000 .3367 AGEG(1) 2.4024 .1463 269.6315 1 .0000 .1596 11.0492 AGEG(2) 2.9158 .1037 790.2274 1 .0000 .2739 18.4627 AGEG(3) 2.2740 .0913 619.7681 1 .0000 .2425 9.7181 AGEG(4) 1.7560 .0902 378.9330 1 .0000 .1894 5.7890 AGEG(5) 1.1135 .0908 150.4871 1 .0000 .1189 3.0450 AGEG(6) .4487 .0985 20.7411 1 .0000 .0422 1.5663 VOTE 212.9447 3 .0000 .1403 VOTE(1) 1.0285 .0889 133.9467 1 .0000 .1120 2.7968 VOTE(2) .2291 .0784 8.5261 1 .0035 .0249 1.2574 VOTE(3) .8494 .1040 66.6860 1 .0000 .0785 2.3382 Constant -.9208 .1289 51.0232 1 .0000
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