- Since all independent variables are categorical we can treat
this data set as a table, and fit the model using loglinear
- This is easiest as a `Loglinear Logit Model' to use SPSS's
terms: simply through the
Logit menus or with
the following syntax:
hied BY ageg esex vote
/PRINT est
/DESIGN hied hied*ageg hied*esex hied*vote.
This has new elements:
- the BY phrase separating the dependent from the
independent variables;
- a multinomial /MODEL; and
- a design with the dependent variable in interaction with all
the independent variables.
- This fits a very large number of parameters, which have a
direct relationship to the individual-data logistic regression parameters.
Asymptotic 95% CI
Parameter Estimate SE Z-value Lower Upper
57 1.6406 .1015 16.17 1.44 1.84
58 .0000 . . . .
59 -2.4026 .1463 -16.42 -2.69 -2.12 )
60 -2.9169 .1037 -28.12 -3.12 -2.71 )
61 -2.2742 .0913 -24.90 -2.45 -2.10 ) ED*AGEG
62 -1.7561 .0902 -19.47 -1.93 -1.58 )
63 -1.1136 .0908 -12.27 -1.29 -.94 )
64 -.4488 .0985 -4.55 -.64 -.26 )
65 .0000 . . . .
. . .
72 .0000 . . . .
73 -.3598 .0520 -6.92 -.46 -.26 <--- ED*SEX
74 .0000 . . . .
75 .0000 . . . .
76 .0000 . . . .
77 -1.0288 .0889 -11.58 -1.20 -.85 )
78 -.2292 .0785 -2.92 -.38 -.08 ) ED*VOTE
79 -.8497 .1040 -8.17 -1.05 -.65 )
. . .
- This `Loglinear Logit Model' is simply a special
parameterisation of a normal loglinear model which we can fit thus:
hied ageg esex vote
/MODEL=multinomial /PRINT est /PLOT NONE
/DESIGN hied hied*ageg hied*esex hied*vote
vote*esex vote*ageg esex*ageg
vote*esex*ageg vote esex ageg.
- This formulation has a more complex model statement and has
messier parameter estimates (with this syntax, pairs of
estimates have to be subtracted).
- For instance, parameter 59 in
the previous model (hied=0 by age-group=1) is parameter 11
(hied=1 by age-group=1) below minus parameter 4 (hied = 0 by
p.e. s.e.
1 2.0324 .1688 12.04 1.70 2.36
2 1.6406 .1015 16.17 1.44 1.84
3 .0000 . . . .
4 -.1545 .1953 -.79 -.54 .23 <--- ED0*AGEG1
5 -.1456 .1800 -.81 -.50 .21
6 .2916 .1742 1.67 -.05 .63
7 .1595 .1820 .88 -.20 .52
8 .0062 .1949 .03 -.38 .39
9 -.5041 .2323 -2.17 -.96 -.05
10 .0000 . . . .
11 2.2480 .1953 11.51 1.87 2.63 <--- ED1*AGEG1
12 2.7714 .1838 15.08 2.41 3.13
13 2.5658 .1823 14.08 2.21 2.92
. . .
- The exact pattern of parameters that are estimated (rather
than marked `aliased') in this syntax depends on their entry
order, so sometimes we will find the same effect divided between
more than one parameter.
- However, the
and fitted values are strictly identical.
- An important point to note is that overall fit of the individual-level
logistic regression cannot be judged by the
; because the
number of combinations of different values of variables
(``settings'') is very large and a function of the sample,
no longer has a
distribution. In contrast,
the grouped logistic, or logistic via loglinear, has the usual
, however, does have a
distribution, so
pairs of nested models can still be compared.