genlog freq size mode /print=est/plot=none /design = freq size mode mode*size freq*mode freq*size.The two estimated parameters for the freq*size interaction are 0.5828 and 0.3895, for the effect of large and medium respectively, versus small, the reference category. Thus the difference between large and medium is approximately half the difference between medium and small. What happens if we redefine size as large/medium versus small?
recode size (1,2=1) (3=2) into size2. genlog freq size2 mode /print=est/plot=none /design = freq size2 mode mode*size2 freq*mode freq*size2.Deviance falls from 4.1415 for 4 df to 0.2633 for 2 df. They are both very well fitting models, and the difference between them is slight (
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